Best Workout Routine
Thank you for reading Best Workout Routine. There's a maxim known as
Pareto's Principle, more commonly referred to as the 80/20 principle. In a
nutshell it means that 80% of your benefits comes out of just 20% of your work.
Thus if you had only a few minutes a day to dedicate to your health and
fitness, there could be three or four exercises that will deliver a full body
workout. I'm not saying anyone abandon your full length routine for this. But
if you are hard pressed for time, these would become the best exercise plan to
perform. By varying these 3 exercises, you can hit nearly every muscle around
your body. This is the best workout routine when you're busy.
Push Ups
Pushups have existed for more than a century, They were used by the
armed forces after The second world war. It seems that Push ups are one of the
very first activities we learn, but then quickly neglect.
What push ups work.
Push-ups efficiently work the Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, and Ab muscles.
How to do a standard push up.
Start out on your hands and knees. Set the hands palms down on the floor
directly underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs away with your feet
together and your toes touching the ground. Maintain your body as straight as
possible. Bend the elbows and slowly move all the way down till the upper body
is close to the floor then push back up. That is a regular push up. It
exercises both the chest and the triceps.
There looks to be plenty of variations of the push up. I will only name
a handful here, but if you search you can discover more.
1. Elevated pushup. This is the
same as a standard pushup except your feet are sitting on an item raising them
off the ground. The more you raise your lower limbs the more bodyweight you
will lift. Raised push ups also adjust the focus to your upper chest along with
2. Wide grip pushup. It's simillar to a regular push-up except you move your hand out wider than shoulder distant a part. The larger grip applies more work on your chest muscles and less on your arms.
3. Diamond pushup. Now take your hands and set them together so your index fingers and your thumbs form a diamond. (This is also known as a heart to heart pushup since your hands make a upside down heart). Have your hands and wrists immediately beneath your chest and place your feet roughly shoulder width a part. These will hit your triceps more than your chest.
If push-ups are too difficult.
Elevate your upper body. this will be the opposite of the elevated
push-up. Keep your toes on the ground and position your chest on a bench. The
more you lift your upper body the less difficult it gets. You could perform
these against a wall if you have to.
Raising the Intensity.
1. Plyometrics. You can increase the intensity
of any one of the different types of push-up through exploding off the floor as
hard as you can. Try throwing your chest and arms off the surface each and
every time you push up.
2. Hand stand push-up. It is done by doing a hand stand near a wall (roughly a ft. away). Next having your feet in contact with the wall for stability. Go down until your scalp touches the floor and then push back upward. This works primarily your shoulders and triceps.
2. Hand stand push-up. It is done by doing a hand stand near a wall (roughly a ft. away). Next having your feet in contact with the wall for stability. Go down until your scalp touches the floor and then push back upward. This works primarily your shoulders and triceps.
Pull Ups
Pullups have always been one of my personal favored exercises. I recall
in school, I was not the strongest child, but I could do the most pull ups (i
had been a thin kid), I was always proud of that.
What pull-ups work.
Pull-ups really are the best workout routine for the upper back out
there, they also work biceps and forearms pretty well.
How to do a standard pullup.
You need a pullup rod. Grip the bar with the palms facing away from you.
palms should be shoulder width or just a little farther a part. Hang from the
rod with your arms straight or slightly bent. Then draw oneself upwards till
your chin is above the bar. Next slowly lower your self in a controlled manner
to the starting position.
Once again there are a bunch of versions of the pull-up, however i will
only highlight a few here.
1. Chin up. Chin ups are just like pull ups
but you grab the rod with your palms facing toward you. You typically use a
closer grip than a normal pull-up. Chin-ups work your biceps more than ordinary
2. Close grip pullups. Just like a regular pull up but your hands can be very close to one another. These will work your biceps more than your back.
3. Wide grip pull ups. It is similar to a standard pull up, but you grab the bar around 6 inches wider than your shoulders. Wide grip pull-ups work your upper back muscles more than a common pull up.
If pullups are too difficult.
1. Assisted pull up machine. If you belong
to a gym it very likely contains one of these machines. They offer a push to
help you to do pull ups. The greater weight you put the less difficult it is.
Thus as an example if you happen to be two hundred lbs and you choose fifty
pounds of weight on the machine. You will be lifting one hundred and fifty lbs.
of your own bodyweight.
3. Lateral pull-downs. This isn't a pull-up, however it is something a person can perform to increase your own muscle in your upper back. This may be carried out using the lat pull down machine, or even with resistance bands. This movement is similar to pullups and works exactly the same muscles.
3. Lateral pull-downs. This isn't a pull-up, however it is something a person can perform to increase your own muscle in your upper back. This may be carried out using the lat pull down machine, or even with resistance bands. This movement is similar to pullups and works exactly the same muscles.
Raising the intensity.
1. Weighted pull-ups. Add
weight to the pull ups to build up the difficulty.
2. Muscle ups. To do a muscle-up you have to pull-up hard and fast and bring your chest above the rod. When you finish off the rod has to stop at your hips.
2. Muscle ups. To do a muscle-up you have to pull-up hard and fast and bring your chest above the rod. When you finish off the rod has to stop at your hips.
I do not mind pushups, and I seriously love pull-ups, but I despise
squats. But they happen to be the best workout routine for the lower body. I
loathe these because they are so effective. After I finish doing a tough set of
squats I feel like I can’t walk.
What squats work.
Squats work your lower back, your butt, and the rest of your leg muscles
(hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves).
How to do a Standard Squat.
Stand up with your feet shoulder width a part and set your arms straight
out ahead of yourself. Squat down bend at the knees and hips. Hold your
bodyweight on the heels only use the rest of your foot for stability. Go down
to where the upper thighs are parallel with the flooring, then drive back
upward until your lower limbs are just about straight. For safety always
perform heavy squats with a power rack. When
starting out use very little or no weight until you feel secure with the
1. Front Squat. It is very similar to the
common squat other than you carry the barbell with the front of your shoulders.
This is harder so you may have to lower the weight. This may also make it
possible for you to go lower a lot more than the normal squat.
2. Sumo Squat. This is completed like a standard squat other than your lower limbs will be spread farther a part and the toes are directed outwards.
If squats are too difficult.
1. Place a bench beneath you. If you
feel unstable put a chair or bench so that when you arrive at your lowest
position your bottom barely touches the stool and thrust back up.
2. Leg Press. When squats are too hard you can begin doing lower-leg presses with a nautilus machine.
Stepping up the intensity.
1. Overhead squat. This is just
like a conventional squat but you hold the bar right above your head. It will need
you to drastically lessen the weight, but this activity engages your whole body
for balance.
2. One leg squat. This is tricky since they'll need a whole lot of balance. Take a position on a single leg with the other leg raised and somewhat ahead of you. Squat upon a single leg and press backup.
Some final thoughts
Final Thought
The best workout routine in my opinion is a few key exercises that
target a whole lot of muscles in the body. I believe a few variations of these
three exercises works the most efficiently.
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